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Monday, June 9, 2014

International Rose Test Garden- Portland, OR

My first afternoon in Portland was really nice. We took a hike through some trails downtown then headed to the International Rose Test Garden. It was a beautiful and peaceful place that you and your date/family/fiends can enjoy for free. Here is the description from the official web page.

"The International Rose Test Garden is also one of 24 official testing sites for the internationally respected All-America Rose Selections (AARS). The All-American Rose Selections is a non-profit association of rose growers and introducers dedicated to the introduction and promotion of exceptional roses. Since 1938 the AARS seal of approval has graced outstanding new rose varieties that have performed the best in the test gardens located throughout the country and representing all climate zones. AARS testing began here in Portland in 1940.
Roses currently under test in the garden are not named but are designated only by a number. The new varieties are submitted by the hybridizers to the AARS, who then distributes them to the test gardens identified only by their code number. Four plants of each entry are evaluated for two years on 14 different characteristics consumers desire in a garden plant including plant habit, vigor, disease resistance, color, flower production, form, foliage, and fragrance. About 200 rose cultivars are under test each year."

If you're in town to visit, I highly suggest checking this place out. It was a little crowded when we went but nothing ridiculous. It is very easy to get lost in the beauty and colours of the garden. Here are some pictures that don't even come close to doing this place justice, click them to enlarge. 

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